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class Fl_Text_Buffer

Class Hierarchy


Include Files

    #include <FL/Fl_Text_Buffer.H>


The Fl_Text_Buffer class is used by the Fl_Text_Display and Fl_Text_Editor to manage complex text data and is based upon the excellent NEdit text editor engine - see http://www.nedit.org/.


Fl_Text_Buffer(int requestedSize = 0);

Creates a new text buffer of the specified initial size.


Destroys a text buffer.

void add_modify_callback(Fl_Text_Modify_Cb bufModifiedCB, void* cbArg);

Adds a callback function that is called whenever the text buffer is modified. The callback function is declared as follows:

    typedef void (*Fl_Text_Modify_Cb)(int pos, int nInserted, int nDeleted,
                                      int nRestyled, const char* deletedText,
                                      void* cbArg);

void append(const char* text);

Appends the text string to the end of the buffer.

int appendfile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024);

Appends the named file to the end of the buffer. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason). 1 indicates open for read failed (no data loaded). 2 indicates error occurred while reading data (data was partially loaded).

void call_modify_callbacks();

Calls all modify callbacks that have been registered using the add_modify_callback() method.

char character(int pos);

Returns the character at the specified position in the buffer.

static int character_width(char c, int indent, int tabDist, char nullSubsChar);

Returns the column width of the specified character. The indent argument specifies the current column position, and tabDist specifies the number of columns to use for each tab.

The nullSubsChar argument specifies the current nul character.

void clear_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);

Clears text in the specified area.

void copy(Fl_Text_Buffer* fromBuf, int fromStart, int fromEnd, int toPos);

Copies text from one buffer to this one; fromBuf may be the same as this.

int count_displayed_characters(int lineStartPos, int targetPos);

Determines the number of characters that will be displayed between lineStartPos and targetPos.

int count_lines(int startPos, int endPos);

Determines the number of lines between startPos and endPos.

int expand_character(int pos, int indent, char *outStr);
static int expand_character(char c, int indent, char* outStr, int tabDist, char nullSubsChar);

Expands the given character to a displayable format. Tabs and other control characters are given special treatment.

int findchar_backward(int startPos, char searchChar, int* foundPos);

Finds the previous occurrence of the specified character.

int findchar_forward(int startPos, char searchChar, int* foundPos);

Finds the next occurrence of the specified character.

int findchars_backward(int startPos, const char* searchChars, int* foundPos);

Finds the previous occurrence of the specified characters.

int findchars_forward(int startPos, const char* searchChars, int* foundPos);

Finds the next occurrence of the specified characters. Search forwards in buffer for characters in searchChars, starting with the character startPos, and returning the result in foundPos returns 1 if found, 0 if not.

void highlight(int start, int end);

Highlights the specified text within the buffer.

int highlight_position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect, int* rectStart, int* rectEnd);

Returns the current highlight positions.

void highlight_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);

Highlights the specified rectangle of text within the buffer.

Fl_Text_Selection* highlight_selection();

Returns the current highlight selection.

const char* highlight_text();

Returns the highlighted text. When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.

void insert_column(int column, int startPos, const char* text, int* charsInserted, int* charsDeleted);

Inserts a column of text without calling the modify callbacks.

int insertfile(const char *file, int pos, int buflen = 128*1024);

Inserts a file at the specified position. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason). 1 indicates open for read failed (no data loaded). 2 indicates error occurred while reading data (data was partially loaded).

void insert(int pos, const char* text);

Inserts text at the specified position.

int length();

Returns the number of characters in the buffer.

int line_end(int pos);

Returns the end position of the line.

int line_start(int pos);

Returns the start position of the line.

const char* line_text(int pos);

Returns the text for the line containing the specified character position. When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.

int loadfile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024);

Replaces the current buffer with the contents of a file. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason). 1 indicates open for read failed (no data loaded). 2 indicates error occurred while reading data (data was partially loaded).

char null_substitution_character();

Returns the current nul substitution character.

int outputfile(const char *file, int start, int end, int buflen = 128*1024);

Writes the specified portions of the file to a file. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason). 1 indicates open for write failed (no data saved). 2 indicates error occurred while writing data (data was partially saved).

void overlay_rectangular(int startPos, int rectStart, int rectEnd, const char* text, int* charsInserted, int* charsDeleted);

Replaces a rectangular region of text with the given text.

Fl_Text_Selection* primary_selection();

Returns the primary selection.

void remove_modify_callback(Fl_Text_Modify_Cb bufModifiedCB, void* cbArg);

Removes a modify callback.

void remove_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);

Deletes a rectangular area of text in the buffer.

void remove(int start, int end);

Deletes a range of characters in the buffer.

void remove_secondary_selection();

Removes the text in the secondary selection.

void remove_selection();

Removes the text in the primary selection.

void replace_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd, const char* text);

Replaces the text in a rectangular area.

void replace(int start, int end, const char *text);

Replaces the text in the specified range of characters in the buffer.

void replace_secondary_selection(const char* text);

Replaces the text in the secondary selection.

void replace_selection(const char* text);

Replaces the text in the primary selection.

int rewind_lines(int startPos, int nLines);

Returns the buffer position for the Nth previous line.

int savefile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024);

Saves the entire buffer to a file. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason). 1 indicates open for write failed (no data saved). 2 indicates error occurred while writing data (data was partially saved).

int search_backward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos, int matchCase = 0);

Searches backwards for the specified string.

int search_forward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos, int matchCase = 0);

Searches forwards for the specified string.

int secondary_selection_position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect, int* rectStart, int* rectEnd);

Fl_Text_Selection* secondary_selection();

Returns the secondary selection.

const char* secondary_selection_text();

Returns the text in the secondary selection. When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.

void secondary_select_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);

Selects a rectangle of characters in the secondary selection.

void secondary_select(int start, int end);

Selects a range of characters in the secondary selection.

void secondary_unselect();

Turns the secondary selection off.

int selected();

Returns a non-zero number if any text has been selected, or 0 if no text is selected.

int selection_position(int* start, int* end);
int selection_position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect, int* rectStart, int* rectEnd);

Returns the current selection.

const char* selection_text();

Returns the currently selected text. When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.

void select_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);

Selects a rectangle of characters in the buffer.

void select(int start, int end);

Selects a range of characters in the buffer.

int skip_displayed_characters(int lineStartPos, int nChars);

Skips forward the indicated number of characters in the buffer from the start position.

int skip_lines(int startPos, int nLines);

Returns the buffer position for the Nth line after the start position.

int substitute_null_characters(char* string, int length);

Replaces nul characters in the given string with the nul substitution character.

int tab_distance();
void tab_distance(int tabDist);

Gets or sets the tab width.

const char* text_in_rectangle(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);

Returns the text from the given rectangle. When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.

const char* text_range(int start, int end);

Returns the text from the range of characters. When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.

const char* text();
void text(const char* text);

Gets or sets the text in the buffer. The first form returns a copy of the text in the buffer which you must later free() when done using it. The second form sets the text in the buffer, making an internal copy of the string that is automatically managed.

void unhighlight();

Unhighlights text in the buffer.

void unselect();

Unselects text in the buffer.

void unsubstitute_null_characters(char* string);

Replaces the nul substitution characters in the provided string with the nul character.

int word_end(int pos);

Returns the position for the end of the word.

int word_start(int pos);

Returns the position for the start of the word.

User Comments [ Add Comment ]

From greg.ercolano, 22:49 Apr 02, 2007 (score=3)

I would say the current docs for the two text() methods (get+set) do not make it clear that the 'free()' comment pertains only to the text(void) (get) method, which returns a malloc()'ed copy of the internal buffer, and not a pointer to the buffer itself.

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From Anonymous, 17:10 Aug 26, 2004 (score=1)

How do I get the <cr>'s at the end of every line to go away? It is important that I have the carriage returns in there (for copying and pasting purposes into other Windows applications), but I don't want them to show up as "<cr>"
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