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  • bist 0.4.7

    Bist stands for bidimensional structures (in italian it sounds like "beast" in english ) and is a chemical drawing tool. It is focused on organic chemistry but it may be useful also for chemists or teacher as well

  • BP-ANNA (Artificial Neural Network) 1.9.2 [Stale home link 2023-11-11]

    BP-ANNA (Artificial Neural Network Architecture) is an efficient object oriented Back-Propagation artificial neural network library developed to nicely fit the FLTK library. The training algorithms include the Step Descent, Conjugate Gradient and Levenberg-Marquardt. The distribution include the source code and a two demo applications for Linux systems. BP-ANNA is very flexible to set multiple inputs, layers, neurons per layer and outputs in a simple way. There is a graphical neuronal network structure visualizer.

    The input data file are columns in plain text format. There are few examples in the bin directory. The outputs are taken from the last column backward to the first. So if the matrix has four columns you can take maximum the last three ones as outputs.

    Get the latest version with Git:

    $ git clone https://github.com/eetorres/bpanna.git

    or Zip file


  • cvPreProcessor 0.9

    Cross-platform Visual Tool for the OpenCv computer vision library

    Apply main Image processing operation Generate a code for applied Image processing operation.

  • Experimental Robotics Framework 0.4 [Stale home link 2023-11-11]

    The Experimental Robotics Framework is a OpenGL graphical component system. It's designed for rapid prototyping of components and it can be used for other activities other than robotics. It supports webcam, latex, picking, shaders, voice interfacing and alot more.

  • fanntool 1.0

    fanntool is a cross platform tool for the Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) library. It can detect the optimum parameters for an artificial neural network (ANN). It allows you to adjust an ANN's parameters easily, train with different parameters, and test an ANN.

  • Fl_Firmata 0.2

    Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a host computer, such as the Arduino. This is a Firmata Test Program using the FLTK GUI. FLTK is a great GUI to develop light interfaces for microcontrolers. The program was tested with the Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560.

  • ForcePAD 2.4.1

    ForcePAD is an intuitive tool for visualising the behavior of structures subjected to loading and boundary conditions. The design of the user interface aims to be as intuitive as a standard image processing software.

  • Gmsh 3.0.0

    Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator with build-in CAD and post-processing facilities.

  • Hearing test 0.1.1

    Basic hearing test (uncalibrated) for windows systems and a sound card.  While intended for headphones, a speaker system could be used if it is desired to measure the sensistivity of the listener as part of the overall system.

  • IDC2D 0.2

    Electronic/science oriented application.  Computes the DC resistance of a conductive plane drawn in any shape described by a bitmap file.

  • Manticore Aerofoil Design 1.2.2

    Manticore Design is intended to be a (reasonably) simple way of designing aerofoils (or modifying existing shapes) and testing them. Unfortunately most aerofoil data comes as sets of coordinates defining the profile. These are needed for the 2D Panel methods used here but are in no way easy to edit. I have found empirically that most (if not all) sections can be closely approximated by just four Bezier curves - of which the leading edge node is fixed, while the trailing edge nodes and the leading edge control points are constrained to movement along the y-axis. 3D wing design, the addition of flaps are also supported along with Polars & a very crude form of optimisation.

    New: Genetic search in addition to original incremental search.

    Version is now 1.2.2


    • Now calculates profile as well as skin drag ***


    • CLMax is now calculated - polars should be much more accurate ***

    Added a routine to automatically convert loaded vector files to coordinates (also auto converts as files are edited) However, with this enabled, loading coordinate files is not possible - therefore the default is to disable this function.

    It is now possible to set the flap root position as well as the tip in the 3D Wing window.

    Several changes to the interface - most of which do not affect functionality.

    A (large) number of bugs have been fixed, though there are probably plenty more ;^}


  • meshalyzer 2.0

    meshalyzer is a program to display 4D data on unstructured meshes. It is designed to work with large data sets. Features include offscreen rendering, isolines, isosurfaces, inspecting time traces at vertices, and cutting planes. It works under Linux and Mac OS.

  • Multiplot 0.5

    Multiplot is a simple to use scientific plotting tool. It is a single header library: just include multiplot.h and you are ready to go. Axes scale automatically to fit the plot (but can be set to different scaling behaviours)

    Example: void main() {
            Multiplot m(10,10,600,300); // new plot window: x,y,w,h
            for(int x=0;x<300;x++)
                    m.plot(x, 0.1*x*sin(0.1*x));
            } }

  • OctPlot 0.2.61

    A handle graphics package for Octave, the Free alternative to matlab.

    OctPlot provides quality postscript(TM)/eps/pdf and screen graphics. It is tested under Linux, cygwin, and OSX

    Octplot uses OpenGL under FLTK. It is not a stand alone application, rather it is intended to run under the control of Octave.

    Parts which might be of general interest to developers using FLTK:

    1. anti-aliased, scaleable rotateable texture based text using the FTGL library (look at text.{cpp,h} and ftglfontmanager.{cpp,h}). I had to have rotateable text for the y-axis label and so had to abandon FLTK's text handling which does not (and will not in the future) support rotations

    2. quality ps/eps output using the gl2ps library

    3. quality conversion from eps to pdf/jpeg/png using ghostscript (look at print.m)

    ... ?

  • PoloCalc 1.01

    PoloCalc is a Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) desktop calculator for windows. It will be an asset for those so used to their HP pocket calculator that they get confused with classical desktop calculator. Polocalc comes with a friendly GUI. Most of the operations can be performed with the numeric pad of the keyboard. Use Alt+u to UNDO. Polocalc enables the copy of one or several results into the clipboard. It also enables the saving of the stack content at any time. It enables the definition, by the user, of a list of his own constants that will be available throw a menu. It supports English and French.

  • PostView 1.5

    PostView is a finite element post-processing application. It allows the user to analyze and visualize models and data generated by finite element applications, such as FEBio, Nike3D, Dyna3d. It supports many features find in most post-processing applications, such as contour plotting, iso-surface plots, slice plots, vector field plots and much more. The GUI is completely designed with FLTK 1.3 and it uses OpenGL for rendering the 3D models.

  • PreView 1.14

    PreView is a finite element pre-processor application. It was designed to prepare FE models for the FE solver FEBio, which is a (free!) nonlinear structural mechanics and heat transfer solver for biomechanics. PreView also has some simple geometry and mesh generation capabilities. The GUI is designed with FLTK 1.3 (with some custom extensions) and the graphics are rendered with OpenGL.

  • RNAStructViz v2.4.1-testing


    Diagram Window DisplayRadial Layout Viewer Display

    CT File Viewer DisplayStatistics Window Sub-DisplayCustomized File Import Dialog Using Boost::FileSystem

    About the application

    RNAStructViz is a graphical cross platform visualization, comparison, and analysis tool for RNA secondary structures. The GUI for the application is based on FLTK 1.4.x enabled with-cairo for improved graphics. The application is able to load structure data in many standard text-based file formats including CT, DotBracket, SEQ, and other custom formats that support multiple structures sampled per file (see complete list of examples). The diagrams generated by RNAStructViz can be exported to portable external images including to the PNG and SVG formats. The comparative statistics window can export custom generated comparison data to the plaintext-based CSV format for later processing. A FAQ page, and a set of informational first-run instructions for what users should expect to see when running RNAStructViz for the first time are available on the detailed GitHub wiki page.

    Mac OSX Install instructions using Homebrew

    Installation instructions for Mac OSX users using the brew package installer to install dependencies and RNAStructViz are as follows:

    $ brew install gtDMMB/core/RNAStructViz
     ... OR to upgrade to a newer version ...
    $ brew tap gtDMMB/homebrew-core
    $ brew update
    $ brew reinstall --verbose gtDMMB/core/RNAStructViz

    From-source installation using GitHub on other Unix/Linux platforms

    From-source installation instructions for other Unix and Linux platforms are documented here. Installation procedures for local (user home directory only) builds on lab and other workstations without administrator access are also available here.

  • RSim

    RSim is a simulation program to calculate the angular reflectivity of monochromatic light incidencing onto a multilayersystem.

  • Stage 4.0.0

    Stage simulates a population of mobile robots, sensors and objects in a two-dimensional bitmapped environment. Stage is designed to support research into multi-agent autonomous systems, so it provides fairly simple, computationally cheap models of lots of devices rather than attempting to emulate any device with great fidelity. We have found this to be a useful approach.

  • Test signal wav file generator 0.2.2

    Generate a wav file or set of wav files with basic test tones.  Optionally preceed each test with an announcement of the range of frequencies (in English).

  • umesh2dgui 0.3.7

    umesh2dgui is a gui for the well featured 2d mesh program umesh2d. It aim to become a complete pre-meshing interface, able to generate various input files for different meshers. Output support is modular so everyone can just create (or ask author to) his module to output his preferred file format.

  • XMolView (alpha 16.08)

    Molecular Explorer is a powerful WYSIWYG OpenGL graphical editor with several unique features to visualize structures for atomistic calculations. We are very close to a stable beta release!. The above binary is for Ubuntu 12.10 (64 Bits).

    Get the source code from:


    Here a short list of features:

    + Load file from CLI.

    + VASP Materials Project format.

    + Generate DL_FIELD molecular structure with DL_POLY format.

    + Periodic and non-periodic systems.

    + Uni/two-dimensional structure scans.

    + Fragment manipulation.

    + Based on the FLTK library therefore very fast and small.

    + Automatic fragmentation of non-bonded parts for counterpoise calculations.

    + Automatic molecular integrity recognition of split structures due periodic boundary conditions.

    + Read several standard files, such as: xyz, pdb, Gaussian, VASP, DL_POLY.

    + Convert structure files between the supported formats.

    + Build periodic systems using images of the unit cell.

    + Series of structures for Potential Energy Surfaces (PES) calculations.

    + Fragment definition to manipulate specific parts of the atomic structures.

    + Display labels for the atomic species (e.g., DL_POLY).

    + Distance and angle tools.

    + Keyboard shortcuts.

  • [Stale links 2006-07-23] maed 0.3


  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] Hex 4.0

    Hex is a protein visualisation, docking and superposition program. The code has been around for several years, but its GUI was recently ported from Motif to FLTK to allow an MS-Windows version to be made available for the first time. The GUI excercises quite a few (but not all!) of the FLTK features. It also shows that full-screen-mode OpenGL graphics and hardware stereo really are available under Windows (XP) and recent versions of Linux (Redhat 8 & 9) with the FLTK toolkit! It is hoped this posting will help further publicise the excellent FLTK toolkit... Many thanks to the FLTK team for a great GUI-building tool!!

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] Mplot++ 0.84

    Mplot++ is a math plotter similar to Gnuplot. Mplot++ is not as powerfull as Gnuplot, because it can only display up to 10 functions in bidimensional graphic, and only one curve or surface at time in tridimensional graphic. Moreover, it can use only a limited number of nodes.

    However, Mplot++ has some interesting features:

    1. You can move at once the figures of a bi- or tri-dimensional graphic;
    2. You can change the point of view of the observer in a tridimensional scene;
    3. You can use a fog effect to improve the look of a figure in a 3D graph;
    4. You can export easily a graph in the form of Postscript(R) document.

    At last, Mplot++ comes with a very complete user guide and it is very intuitive.

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] Object Oriented Mobile Robot Model 4.1

    The Object Oriented Mobile Robot Model (OOMRM) is a C++ library developed for the 68332 MRM microprocessor board.    It includes a simple mobile robot simulator executable on a host machine (Windows/Linux) eliminating the need for the 68332 board.  This allows programming of all robotic software without the hardware; when complete, the code is simply recompiled using  a 68332 cross-compiler and  downloaded into the 68332 board for evaluation.  The simulator thus far has proven to have fairly high  fidelity to the actual robot behavior.

  • [Stale links 2015-04-09] SkullyDoo 1.0

    3D Image Segmentation and Visualization System. It uses ITK, VTK and FLTK as GUI.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] 3dOP 1.11

    3dOP stands for 3 dimensional Outdoor Photometrics. It takes in industry standard IES files (that describes the light direction and intensity coming from a luminaire) and projects the information onto predefined 3d grids. 3dOP is designed to help you explore the relationship between a light fixture and its light output in a way that is intuitive, immediate and simple.

    The product is distributed for free with license activation and has had 1000 downloads since its launch in Oct 2004. It uses FLTK and OPENGL and demonstates many FLTK featues. It implements printing on Windows OS and also allows exporting postscript to generate pdf output. It supports Windows and Mac 10.3 up.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] AIM-UC 1.4

    AIM-UC is a free application that allows to create graphs related to Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM). The input consists in AIMPAC wavefunction files or numerical grid data of electronic charge density. It was implemented in C/C++ programming language using fltk and OpenGl as external libraries.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] Electronic solver 0.0

    A program to solve electronical circuits.  Right now you can solve everything linearly solveable, even with complex values.  A generic plotting utility makes it possible to query random parameters, e.g. for making bode plots.  This is more intended for experimenting than for serious circuit solving.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] Imview 1.0.1 (stable)/1.1.2 (unstable)

    Imview is a general purpose image visualization application, as well as a scientific image analysis program. In practice this means that imview is not limited to viewing 8-bit per channel image data and integrates well in image analysis environments thanks to a server design.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] mppg 2.9.4

    Mppg (Modeling Physical Phenomena Graphical User Interface) is a cross-platform C++ GUI library for UNIX/Linux (X11), Microsoft Windows. Mppg provides GUI for numeric calculations (windows with plots, line input/output for variable editing). Mppg is easy to start, functional enough and allows to attract attention to numeric calculation and don't spend much efforts to GUI development.It is good decision for schoolboys, students and scientist, for all who develops and tuns numeric algorithms.

    Mppg dont provides any numercs algorithms or methods, it is only GUI developmet tool.

    • Uniform interface: canvas for graphics plotting, table with eitable spaces for input/output values of program variables.
    • Easy add editing spaces for input/output values of program variables.
    • Kit of graphics primitives for drawing with physicle scales.
    • Save canvas to varies graphics formatd (tif, png , eps).
  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] REAL3D SCANNER 2.0.2

    REAL3D SCANNER allows you to make your own 3D scanner with a single camera and a video projector. It provides you a complete platform to do research on 3D scanning systems and helps you to analyze different parameters involved in SL 3D scanning. It is also an extensible mesh and points processing system that can perform smoothing, cleaning, filtering, decimation, reconstruction from points, registration, merging, and hole filling, etc. It has ability to import and export more than 60 well-known 3D geometry file formats, including (3D PDF ready) U3D, PLY, STL, OBJ, OFF, 3DS, WRL, COLLADA, X3D, IV. It also allows you to view, convert, edit, and enhance 2D images in 3D environment. It has an array of features that include image viewing, smoothing, noise removal, edge detection, resizing, and color adjustments, etc.

    Rendering Features:
    • Ability to open large number of meshes and point clouds
    • Ability to export (3D PDF ready) U3D file format. Download and test a sample 3D PDF from here...
    • Ability to import and export more than 60 well-known 3D geometry file formats.
    • Point Cloud: XYZ, ASC, PTS, PLY.PCLOUD
    • Ability to subdivide meshes using loop, sqrt(3), butterfly, linear, bi-tri, and 3-split algorithms.
    • Ability to construct surfaces from points clouds.
    • Ability to process meshes using many feature preserving smoothing and fairing algorithms.
    • Ability to perform accurate mesh registration/alignment, cleaning, merging, voxelization, etc.
    • Ability to perform mesh decimation while maintaining fidelity.
    • Ability to support batch processing of point clouds for filtering, surfaces, registeration, and merging.
    • Ability to render UV textures on meshes.
    • Ability to visualize models with perspective or parallel view, even with sectioning support.
    • Ability to render textures, materials, colors, lights, edges, silhouette edges, etc.
    • Ability to render any OpenGL Shader. You can write and apply your own shader.
    • Ability to create quality snapshots for illustrations by applying various materials and shaders.
    Real-time Structured Light 3D Scanning Features:
    • Ability to perform Offline and Real-time 3D Scanning using 3, 4, or 5-step phase shifting fringe patterns.
    • Ability to perform 360deg scanning with auto-alignment/registration.
    • Ability to reconstruct point cloud or triangular surface in real-time.
    • Ability to perform phase unwrapping using L-to-R, flood-fill, and multilevel quality guided algorithms.
    • Ability to perform many collimating or non-collimating phase-to-coordinate conversion algorithms.
    • Ability to export real-time fringe images.
    • Ability to record videos.
    • Ability to perform camera calibration.
    • Ability to export point cloud or triangular surface of the scanned model.
    • Ability to filter point clouds, reconstruct meshes, register and merge them, optimization, hole filling, and decimation very easily.
    Real-time Virtual 3D Scanner Features:
    • Ability to scan high resolution point cloud or triangular surface of any 3D Virtual/CAD object in real-time.
    • Ability to generate and export horizontal or vertical fringe patterns.
    • Ability to analyze 3d scanning parameters in real-time.
    • Ability to perform real-time 3d scanning with any pattern resolution e.g., 512x512, 1600x900, etc.
    • Ability to export real-time fringe (object + reference) images.
    • Ability to export point cloud or triangular surface of the scanned model.

    2D Image Features:
    • Ability to view, convert, edit, and enhance 2D images in 3D virtual environment.
    • Ability to perform smoothing, edge detection, resizing, and color adjustments on 2D images.
    • Ability to activate 3D animation with 2D images.
    • Ability to import and export of more than 15 image file formats including jpg, png, bmp, and tif.
    • Ability to display live CAM in 3D environment.

    CNC Cutting Simulation Features:
    • Ability to perform CNC Machining for Rafter/Wood Processing.
    • Ability to perform material removal operation using many cutters such as Ball mill, End mill, etc.
    • Ability to perform cutting simulation even with multi-tools.
    • Ability to apply various cutting conditions such as Feed rate, RPM, Tool radius, Tool angle, etc.
    • Ability to generate G-code, even generated G-code can be run for verification.
    • Multi-threading technology is adopted for parallel data processing to improve performance.


Comments are owned by the poster. All other content is copyright 1998-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others. This project is hosted by The FLTK Team. Please report site problems to 'erco@seriss.com'.