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Cool FLTK2-CVS patch

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Name:Cool FLTK2-CVS patchPopularity:8%
Version:License:Free for any purpose
Author:George YohngEMail:yohng
Home Page:http://www.oss3d.com/fltk2diff (2974 visits)
Download:http://www.oss3d.com/fltk2diff/fltk2.diff (1362 visits)

Will add superior look to your existing FLTK2 application. Note, that this patch doesn't work with FLTK 1.0.x series. To use it, you need FLTK2 CVS snapshot. The patch tested with CVS snapshot from May-7-2001


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From Anonymous, 23:04 Aug 03, 2004 (score=2)

This looks really nice.

Is there any chance it will be backported to work with FLTK 1.1.5?

It seems like it was a patch applied to FLTK 2 back in 2001 so maybe things are easier today...
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