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Csmusgen (MU.SE.S.) 0.1.3

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Name:Csmusgen (MU.SE.S.) Popularity:6%
Author:Luigi Negretti LannerEMail:luigi
Created:Jul 16, 2005
Updated:Dec 31, 2014
Home Page:http://csmussgen.sourceforge.net/ (2011 visits)
Download:http://sourceforge.net/projects/csmussgen/files/ (1215 visits)

Create and manipulate musical series, in Csound score code.


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From llanner, 07:44 Oct 02, 2005 (score=3)

On version 0.1.2 some features has been added:

  • A simply Csound interface that allow to the user to run Csound and wave file
  • Two new windows to manage the parameters from p6 to p25

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