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Jester: The Song Parody Editor 2.0

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Name:Jester: The Song Parody EditorPopularity:4%
Version:2.0License:Freeware (see details)
Author:Jeffrey EllisEMail:jeffellis1
Created:Jul 02, 2012
Updated:Jun 22, 2019
Home Page:https://jeffreyellis.org/software/jester-the-song-parody-editor/ (1252 visits)
Download:http://jeffreyellis.org/jester/jester2.0.zip (1004 visits)

Jester is a simple song parody editor. It has side-by-side displays to show original and parody lyrics, with synchronized scrolling. It displays a line-by-line comparison of original and parody lyric syllable counts, color-coded to show where the parody has too few or too many syllables. It also has a built-in rhyming dictionary.


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