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Fl_Firmata 0.2

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Category:Wiki/Software/Science and EngineeringRating:
Author:Edmanuel TorresEMail:eetorres_a_gmail.com
Created:Aug 04, 2013
Updated:Jan 20, 2019
Home Page:https://github.com/eetorres/fl_firmata (1043 visits)
Download:https://github.com/eetorres/fl_firmata/archive/master.zip (762 visits)

Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a host computer, such as the Arduino. This is a Firmata Test Program using the FLTK GUI. FLTK is a great GUI to develop light interfaces for microcontrolers. The program was tested with the Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560.


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