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Re: [fltk/fltk] Cannot build project with CMake (add_library cannot create ALIAS target "fltk" because target "fltk::fltk" is imported but not globally visible) (Issue #970)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Cannot build project with CMake (add_library cannot create ALIAS target "fltk" because target "fltk::fltk" is imported but not globally visible) (Issue #970) Albrecht Schlosser 09:53 May 07  

@sprkrd Thanks for the report, but I can't reproduce the error messages here. Please make sure that you have built and installed a fresh copy of FLTK and that the install directory is empty before you install FLTK.

I tested to build your project directly from the FLTK build and from the installation folder. Both worked w/o issues.

BTW (this may be helpful to avoid other issues): current docs (in README.CMake.txt) recommend to set FLTK_DIR as a cache variable. This prevents false find results in case the CMake procedure would find some older instances of FLTK:

# change this to your fltk build directory
set(FLTK_DIR "/path/to/fltk"
    CACHE FILEPATH "FLTK installation or build directory")

I strongly recommend to do this. One advantage is that you can inspect the cache variable with tools like cmake-gui. You could also output FLTK_DIR after the find_package() command.

Sidenote: NO_MODULE is an alias name of CONFIG and is not required in your project. It shouldn't do any harm though.

... unless I comment out lines 87 to 119 from FLTKConfig.cmake ...

Although I can't reproduce this I remember that I had similar issues in the past but I couldn't find out yet what caused this. If you build from scratch and it doesn't work, then an easier workaround is to change only line 35 in CMake/FLTKConfig.cmake.in:


The generated aliases are only useful if you still use old FLTK target names like fltk_shared but you are using the new namespaced target name fltk::fltk-shared, hence your project doesn't need the compatibility aliases.

That said, I wonder what caused this error in your build. It would be very helpful if you could provide CMake logs and more info about your build process (if it still fails w/o editing CMake/FLTKConfig.cmake.in). Thank you.

Could it be possible that CMake finds another (older) instance of FLTK on your system?

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