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STR #2034

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STR #2034

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:function Fl_Preferences::getUserdataPath() creates wrong directories
Created By:popej
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.4-current (SVN: v12299)
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#1 popej
05:32 Sep 03, 2008
Function Fl_Preferences::getUserdataPath() generates wrong directories, when filename contains a dot. I think the error is in RootNode::getPath,
where function search for '.' instead of '/'.

// get the path to the preferences directory
char Fl_Preferences::RootNode::getPath( char *path, int pathlen )
  strlcpy( path, filename_, pathlen);

  char *s;
  for ( s = path; *s; s++ ) if ( *s == '\\' ) *s = '/';
  s = strrchr( path, '.' ); // <== should be strrchr(path, '/')
  if ( !s ) return 0;
  *s = 0;
  char ret = makePath( path );
  strcpy( s, "/" );
  return ret;
#2 matt
13:38 Oct 18, 2008
Actually, the code is correct. The naming of this function is bad though, plus the whole class should be private to begin with (which is why I keep this STR around in 1.3). getUserdataPath (which is the function that calls rott::getPath) is supposed to return a unique path for more data that is directly related to the .pref file. It does so by creating a directory with the same name sans the .prefs extension.  
#3 popej
15:49 Oct 18, 2008
You are right. Unfortunatelly .pref extention is not obligatory. Consider following code:

Fl_Preferences *f;
char buffer[1000];
f = new Fl_Preferences("mypath.x/myfile", "application", NULL);
f->getUserdataPath(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
#4 matt
01:36 Oct 19, 2008
If you use your own path and file for your preferences database, getUserdataPath() makes not much sense (since you know a path anyways).

This function was meant to be used with the more abstract constructor Fl_Prefrences(USER, vendor, application) which chooses a valid file and path for the preferences database for every host system.

I will try to either exclude the unsupported functionality or update the code accordingly.
#5 popej
03:09 Oct 19, 2008
After your explanation, I think the priority of this STR could be changed to LOW.  
#6 matt
09:23 Jul 07, 2017
Fixed in Subversion repository.

In the unlikely case that the filename part of the preferences path has no file extension, the resulting directory will be the original path with ".data/" appended.

If there is no filename at all (which I would consider a bug), "data/" is appended.

Also, this fixes a possible buffer overflow.

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