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STR #2919

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STR #2919

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:The build system fails to build against needed libraries
Created By:RedDwarf
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.4
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Trouble Report Files:

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#1 RedDwarf
05:00 Jan 17, 2013

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 RedDwarf
05:00 Jan 17, 2013
The attached patch makes the linker create all the DT_NEEDED entries that each library requires.

It additionally adds to DSOCOMMAND:

* "-Wl,--as-needed" so no unneeded DT_NEEDED entries are created
* "-Wl,--no-undefined" so an error is reported if a new library is ever needed and you forgot to link against it

Notice that the \$(LDLIBS) in DSOCOMMAND has no effect since. From GNU ld man page: "The linker will search an archive only once, at the location where it is specified on the command line. If the archive defines a symbol which was undefined in some object which appeared before the archive on the command line, the linker will include the appropriate file(s) from the archive. *****However, an undefined symbol in an object appearing later on the command line will not cause the linker to search the archive again *****."

Apparently the last part is not always enforced. But it is when using -Wl,--as-needed (and users can use it even if it's not there by default).
#2 cand
07:27 Aug 21, 2014
I've applied the Makefile parts. The linker commands cannot just be unconditionally added, as neither is widely supported by older GNU ld or linkers from other vendors.  
#3 AlbrechtS
07:39 Aug 08, 2016
Fixed in Subversion repository.

There are four parts in this request (thanks for the patch, BTW.):

(1) Makefile: done by Lauri (cand).

(2) Linker flag "-Wl,--no-undefined": added with compatibility test some time ago.

(3) Linker flag "-Wl,--as-needed": will not be added. Please file another STR if you believe that this should still be added.

(4) configure: same changes as in configure.in, because configure is a generated file. No need to change.

So everything except (3) is done now. Please file another STR if you believe that this should still be added.

Closing this STR now.

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