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STR #2934

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STR #2934

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:probably user-error, but .c files in src/fltk3png cannot find pngpriv.h
Created By:funnydoggie
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 MihailZenkov
14:21 May 06, 2013

Trouble Report Comments:

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#1 funnydoggie
19:23 Mar 06, 2013
Not seeing a specific install readme for FLTK3.0.x-r9831, I ran autoconf, ./configure from the src directory (as if I was building version 1).

The build failed, but it seemed only because all the .c files in /fltk-3.0.x-r9831/src/fltk3png could not locate /fltk-3.0.x-r9831/include/fltk3png/pngpriv.h

Seemed worth a try, so I went through each .c file, and manually added the path to pngpriv.h (guessing it would not work, but giving it a whirl). The make did work, and even ran test/demo OK. However, sudo make install failed as "couldn't cd to FL" and I had to Cntrl+C to break out of the process. My feeling is "user-error" on my side, in that I should have run a different autoconf or ./configure or perhaps even make, but could not find a version 3.0 readme.
#2 AlbrechtS
10:19 Mar 08, 2013
NOTE: FLTK 3.0 is only a development version in pre-alpha state. Please don't use it for anything real EXCEPT for testing and debugging FLTK 3 !

That said, configure is probably not yet reliable, and there are chances that it doesn't find the correct header files. In this case I can confirm what you found on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS version.

Workaround: configure with --enable-localpng (this worked for me).
#3 funnydoggie
12:43 Mar 08, 2013
#4 funnydoggie
13:06 Mar 08, 2013
Thanks AlbrechtS: I downloaded fresh source, and configured with --enable-localpng (even though configure --help indicates that --enable-localpng is actually enabled by default). Build and make worked without me needing to manually add header file paths.

It fails when I attempt sudo make install: I still get the same infinite process repeating the two  lines:

=== installing FL ===
/bin/sh 3: cd: can't cd to FL

and I have to break out of the running process with cntrl+C.
#5 AlbrechtS
03:00 Mar 09, 2013
Thanks for the report, your testing, and for your confirmation.

As said before, FLTK 3 is still under development, and the developers usually don't "install" the compiled version.

The problem with png seems to be caused by not finding the correct libs/paths during configure. The default for the png library should be to use the system libs if available, but use the built-in version, if the system libs are not available. However, you'd need to install appropriate dev packages, if you want to use the system libs. But something appears not to work as intended.

We'll take a look at this later, hence I'm leaving this STR open as a reminder, but won't fix anything now.
#6 MihailZenkov
14:23 May 06, 2013
I add patch to fix this bug. This patch disable building internals libs if configure detect external. It also fix STR#2833.  

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