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STR #3148

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STR #3148

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Fl_X::make(window) shows the window on screen on OS X
Created By:cviotti
Assigned To:manolo
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 cviotti
07:39 Nov 05, 2014
I have noticed that Fl_X::make(w) causes the window 'w' to be drawn on screen.
This seems due to the call [cw makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil] inside Fl_cocoa.mm.

I have found this behaviour a bit unwelcome for the following reason. Some times I need to call Fl_X::make() to generate the Cocoa objects wrapped by Fl_Window and perform some extra customisation. In doing so, a glimpse of the window which is still in course of construction is drawn on screen.

It seems to me that the above call could simply be replaced by [cw makeKeyWindow], which does not cause any drawing (was that intentional for some reason?).

Could you consider including this modification in the release?


#2 cviotti
03:00 Nov 07, 2014
I realised that the simple patch I proposed doesn't really work, the problem is more delicate. With the easy patch, calls like window->show() can fail, due to the fact that Fl_Window::show() falls back on Fl_X::make(Fl_Window* w) for some pathways.

Any idea how to fix the problem?

#3 manolo
02:08 Apr 13, 2015
In the FLTK API, all the windowing-system work is performed by
Fl_Window::show(). Thus, Fl_X::make() must send the
makeKeyAndOrderFront message to the window (unless it's shown

Moreover, your need for initialization after the Fl_X::make()
call would a priori be system-specific, hence outside FLTK.

Therefore, unless you give more detail about what your needs are,
the answer to your question is that Fl_X::make() will
continue to send the makeKeyAndOrderFront message.
#4 cviotti
08:24 Apr 16, 2015
Thanks for your reply.

I have realised this issue is probably too specific to my particular needs and context. I will consider submitting a new post in case the problem will become more defined and relevant as a more general FLTK upgrade.


#5 manolo
07:20 Feb 02, 2019
The AP withdrew the RFE.  

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