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STR #3149

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STR #3149

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:CMake configuration improvements.
Created By:hobbes1069
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.4 (SVN: v10580)
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 hobbes1069
10:16 Nov 09, 2014
#2 hobbes1069
11:59 Nov 09, 2014
#3 hobbes1069
07:29 Nov 19, 2014

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 hobbes1069
10:15 Nov 09, 2014
Patch contains several fixes and/or improvements to the CMake configuration:
- Fixes install-symlinks.cmake which now respects the DESTDIR environment variable during installation.
- Setup variables for all install locations that can be changed by the end user as required for their platform.
- Use GNUInstallDirs CMake module if available, otherwise use sensible defaults.
- Install desktop file (also includes tweaks for freedesktop standards compliance)
- NEW: install fluid.xml file for mimetype instead of deprecated x-fluid.desktop file (needs testing).
- Install icons on *nix systems.
#2 AlbrechtS
11:28 Nov 09, 2014
Thanks very much for the patch! Looks good at a first glance, but nothing tested yet.

Please post the missing file fluid/fluid.xml as a separate attachment.

We should probably not set the mime-type (in svn), but store it as a text file instead, so that diffs can be shown by subversion.
#3 hobbes1069
11:58 Nov 09, 2014
Yeah, I thought that was odd when I did "svn add" but wasn't sure if it was right or wrong.  
#4 hobbes1069
07:30 Nov 19, 2014
Updated patch:
- Removes mime-type from fluid.xml so it should be in the diff now
- fltk-config is now functional but needs to be reviewed for correctness. I did not alter any of the flags, just fixed the path variables.
#5 AlbrechtS
16:38 Nov 19, 2014
Thanks for the update. I wish I could be more responsive, but currently I'm too busy with other work. I looked at the patch, and I seem to understand most of it, and I'll hopefully find the time to test during the next couple of days. I have a few questions though:

(1) fluid/CMakeLists.txt:

+    # Install desktop icons.
+    set(_icons 32;48;64;128)
+    foreach(icon ${_icons})

Is there any reason you add an extra list variable? What about this instead?

+    # Install desktop icons.
+    foreach(icon 32 48 64 128)

I didn't find any problems with this, and it is much easier to understand.

(2) fluid/fluid.desktop;

I have no knowledge about all these Linux desktop things, so I must "trust" you. Can you explain why you add this ';' to the desktop file? I'm just curious.


(3) I understand that you want to add fluid/fluid.xml, but remove fluid/x-fluid.desktop - is this true? Is the latter obsolete?

We'd have to check what the "normal" Makefiles do (make install). Did you?

(4) One more question for my understanding. Is this desktop-and-icons thing standardized (e.g. install locations), or is it possible that this is only correct for fedora? Do you have a link to some documentation?

Thanks for your help again.
#6 hobbes1069
16:48 Nov 19, 2014
Ok, to answer in order:

(1) That's fine, I had a different idea when I started the code than what I ended up with but didn't bother to go back an refactor.

(2) Yes, the freedesktop.org standard wants semicolons on the end of those strings to be compliant. It doesn't list the requirement in the standard but it shows it in the example and desktop-file-validate complains if it's not there.


(3) Yes, while the x-fluid.desktop method is still supported, it's depreciated in favor of the new xml method.

#7 AlbrechtS
06:37 Feb 16, 2015
Fixed in Subversion repository.

Thanks for the patches. Please confirm that svn r 10580 fixes the issues.


(1) This update does not yet install fltk-config (TBD soon...).
(2) There are still some issues with local libraries.
(3) Tested and working using all system libraries (jpeg, png, zlib).

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