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STR #3397

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STR #3397

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Font size/type not working inside GL window with gl_font(), gl_draw()
Created By:dragonlord
Assigned To:manolo
Fix Version:1.3-current (SVN: v12403)
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 dragonlord
12:46 Aug 21, 2017
#2 dragonlord
12:46 Aug 21, 2017
#3 dragonlord
13:42 Aug 21, 2017

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 dragonlord
12:46 Aug 21, 2017
FLTK 1.3.4-1 under Lubuntu running Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 64-bit Linux 4.10, Nvidia card.

gl_draw display of text always uses 10-point default font when drawn inside a Fl_Gl_Window.  Neither gl_font(f,s) nor fl_font(f,s) change this.  But the fonts work fine if fl_draw used on a regular Fl_Window outside of GL.  Since the font-testing routines use regular not GL windows, this goes undetected in tests.  Remaking the FLTK system with Xft disabled does not fix.  I seem to remember they were working in 2015.  How to fix or workaround?

[Also, the char *q_name method variable seems to have disappeared from class Fl_Font_Descriptor circa 2014.]
#2 manolo
08:19 Aug 26, 2017
Yes indeed. Under Ubuntu with its default set of fonts,
always the same font+size is produced by gl_font().

That is because Ubuntu does not contain the fonts searched
by function load_xfont_for_xft2() in file src/fl_font_xft.cxx.

After a series of attempts, FLTK tries
to get a font (of size 26 for example here)
which works with Debian, for example, but not with Ubuntu.

Since this query gives no match, FLTK tries as last attempt "fixed"
which loads a font, but always the same one, whatever gl_font() asks.

Here, the command
xlsfonts | grep courier
shows that the font family name under Ubuntu is "courier 10 pitch",
rather than just "courier".

A fix is therefore either to tweak fonts to create one that matches
or to modify line 502 of source file src/fl_font_xft.cxx
adding an asterisk after "courier" to obtain that :
    snprintf(xlfd, 128, "-*-courier*-medium-%c-*--*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*", slant, (size*10));
and recompile FLTK.
#3 manolo
00:29 Aug 27, 2017
@dragonlord: could you, please, try with the fixed version
from the svn repository (r.12403) and report whether it works correctly.
Size and style font requests should be honored, but the requested
family may not be respected.
#4 manolo
00:44 Mar 07, 2018
Fixed in Subversion repository.  

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