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STR #3485

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STR #3485

Application:FLTK Library
Duplicate Of:STR #3487
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Cumulative Patch for 1.4 addressing several STR
Created By:dfatfl
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 dfatfl
15:41 Aug 05, 2018
branch-1.4-dfatfl-cumulative -13005.patch

Trouble Report Comments:

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#1 dfatfl
15:41 Aug 05, 2018
This cumulative patch addresses the following STRs:

2753, 2755, 2756, 2757, 2761, 2762, 2763, 2766, 2767, 2792, 2793, 2751, 2752, 2734, 2737, 2741, 2754.

There should be no functional difference with patch applied.  All new features (beyond fixes) are optional and disabled by default.

For Doc Purposes:

FL_Browser adds:

  str 2755:
  void focus_color_change(int on)
  bool focus_color_change(void) const

  str 2757:
  void item_shortcuts(int on)
  bool item_shortcuts() const

  void alt_shortcuts(int on)
  bool alt_shortcuts() const

  str 2763:
  void full_kb_select(int on)
  bool full_kb_select() const

  str 2767:
  int item_quick_width(void *item) const

FL_Button adds:

 str 2753:
 void click_on_enter_key(int on)
 bool click_on_enter_key() const

FL_Input_Choice adds:
  str 2752:
  void arrow_shortcut(int on)
  bool arrow_shortcut(void) const

Fl adds:
  str 2793:
  static bool new_shortcut_logic;
  str 2737:
  adds OPTION_COPY_LABELS for option()

Fl_Menu_Item adds:
  FL_MENU_NO_SPLIT as an option to

Global Setting:

str 2761:
fl_force_wrap_breaks = 0 or 1

str 2762:
fl_choice_icon(char iconchar) // 0 being default

str 2734:
  to fl_ask.H:
   FL_EXPORT const char *fl_input_n(const char *label, int maxinput, const char *deflt = 0, ...)
   FL_EXPORT const char *fl_password_n(const char *label, int maxinput, const char *deflt = 0, ...)

configure options:

str 2766:
--enable-newprefix (uses 0xF instead of '@')

(plus a couple other items without STR)

New items:

str 2756
Fl_Checkbox_Browser - adds checkboxes not just selection.

[X] List box Item

Note that after applying patch you should run:
./configure (with the options use you, a new one is --enable-newprefix)

then you can make as normal.
make clean
#2 matt
09:52 Feb 01, 2019
Thanks, dfatfl, for your effort. We have not integrated the patch into FLTK yet, because we will need to splice it up again and test it against each individual STR. This is the only way for us to follow up on regressions and verify a correct solution.

For future additions, please post an individual patch for every STR in the STR itself. Or, even better, fork FLTK from github and create pull requests. That is by far the best solution for maintainers.
#3 dfatfl
21:31 Feb 06, 2019
The original ones were, but because later ones relied on prior ones, at some point it became a cumulative patch.  I've got a branch at https://github.com/TBOpen/fltk-enh with the changes applied and using in production (there may be some minor updates from the patches).

My next fun thing will be to figure out how to merge additions from the main branch to mine.  I should have time for that coming up in the next couple of weeks
#4 AlbrechtS
03:02 Feb 07, 2019
Note: I closed STR 2761 because it has been superseded by this one. See also comment #10 why the given patch can't be accepted. In case anybody wants to apply the patch given here, please refer to STR 2761, comment #10.  
#5 AlbrechtS
03:26 Feb 07, 2019
See also comment #2 of individual STR 2753 for suggested changes.
#6 AlbrechtS
03:42 Feb 07, 2019
Note: this STR has again been superseded by STR 3487 which is even bigger (104k vs. 87k), see:

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