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STR #1951

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STR #1951

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Example Programs
Summary:additional test folder programs
Created By:ianmacarthur
Assigned To:ianmacarthur
Fix Version:1.3-current
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#1 ianmacarthur
05:16 May 02, 2008
For my fltk-1.1.8-utf8 hack, I had "carefully crafted" (a.k.a bodged together) a few extra test programs. They maybe aren't the best code we've ever written, but I do think they add some value for testing features, and as worked examples for others to start from.

So, on that basis, I'd be sad to lose them - this STR is intended to flag them up for consideration for inclusion in the 1.3 tree.

They are:
- utf8 font browser thing
- a crude DnD example
- an example that tests add_fd() and spawns two communicationg processes

Also, I tweaked the demo.menu code to make room for these extras.
#2 ianmacarthur
05:06 Oct 19, 2008
Update: some of these examples *well, the utf8 example) are now in the 1.3.x tree.  
#3 ianmacarthur
02:47 Sep 05, 2014
The evolution of the examples folder along side the test folder has rendered much of this moot.  

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