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STR #1959

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STR #1959

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:Building of image DLL's on win32
Created By:ianmacarthur
Assigned To:ianmacarthur
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 ianmacarthur
03:36 May 09, 2008
Note: I assume this issue is specific to winXX hosts, but I suppose it might apply to some other hosts.

The issue: On this win32/mingw host, if I build fltk with --enable-shared, and with --enable-local-[jpeg|png|zlib] then DLL's are cretaed for the "main" fltk libs, e.g. fltk, fltk-image, fltk-gl etc, but *not* for the local image libs (png, jpeg, zlinb.)

I think that if we have --enable-shared, we maybe ought to build shared versions of the image libs too - the static versions may not be what's needed by a fltk DLL at runtime.

I don't know to what extent other hosts might have issues with this, but I'm pretty sure it is an issue for win32 at least.
#2 ianmacarthur
05:08 Oct 19, 2008
I did a few tests, and it does seem that using a static PNG lib with a fltk DLL is indeed problematic in some circumstances - so maybe we do need to make DLL versions of PNG Zlib and JPEG if we do a "shared" build?  
#3 ianmacarthur
02:46 Sep 05, 2014
Closing this - the build environ has moved on...  

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