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STR #1989

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STR #1989

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Support for Multiple Cursor interaction (MPX)
Created By:benjsc
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:Will Not Fix
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#1 benjsc
17:30 Jun 25, 2008
Recently work has been done on XOrg to support multiple cursors natively in the Windowing System. Win32 also has multiple cursor support via the RAW_INPUT API. This feature request is to add Multiple Cursor support to FLTK - Ideally 1.3. This would allow a completely new range of applications to be created and give FLTK the benefit of being the first toolkit supporting multiple cursors natively. I've been doing some preliminary work on 1.1.7 and will soon pull this into 1.3 locally so should be able to provide some initial patches.  
#2 benjsc
15:32 Nov 25, 2008
Patches / information how to use the new api is available at:

#3 AlbrechtS
11:53 Jan 15, 2023
This STR has not been updated for more than 14 years, and the given link to more information is unfortunately dead. I couldn't find anything regarding 'MPX' in fltk.general as well.

Hence I'm closing this STR now (status: will not fix). If there is still interest in MPX support, please discuss this in fltk.coredev first so we can decide if we can potentially support this (IMO this would be more than the "Fast and Light" design of FLTK can support).

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