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STR #21

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STR #21

Application:FLTK Library
Status:4 - Pending
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:(XWindow) Memory leak in Window::copy_label()
Created By:evol.uni-koblenz
Assigned To:spitzak
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 evol.uni-koblenz
06:08 Apr 28, 2003
Calling Window::copy_label() forces:

Window::copy_label() calls Widget::copy_label(label) private copy and set flag COPIED_LABEL
                  then calls Window::label(label)  
Window::label(label)  calls Window::(label(name,iconlabel()))
Window::(label(name,iconlabel())) calls Widget::label(label)

and then.....

Widget::label(label) frees the copied string and set the freed string again as label. Under some circumstances you will get a strange window label.

I'ved commented out the last call of Widget::label() in Fl_x.cxx Window::setlabel(label,icon), but i really don't know what side effects this will produce....
#2 spitzak
14:30 May 15, 2003
It's trying to execute the code that tells the OS to change the window title, but I can certainly see that the current solution is not correct.
#3 mike
16:17 Mar 12, 2005

Bill, has this been fixed?

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