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STR #298

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STR #298

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:FLUID "commenting out" would be nice
Created By:mwd242000.yahoo
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 mwd242000.yahoo
17:45 Feb 25, 2004
FLTK is great!

It would be nice to be able to "comment out" an entry in the FLUID tree.  Any item that was commented out would behave as if it did not exist when compiled.  Comments for the purpose of documenting the FLUID file are less important to me, however maybe the mechanism would support both.
#2 mwd242000.yahoo
18:04 Feb 25, 2004
To clarify, I am talking about commenting out nodes from within the Fluid GUI, not commenting the .fl text file directly (you can already do that).  
#3 greg.ercolano
10:26 Oct 25, 2013
Right, like a 'Disable code' where maybe the item "grays out" in the tree.

Doing this to a top level item like a class would disable the entire class, or doing it to a function would disable the function and any code or widgets attached to it, etc.

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