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STR #3087

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STR #3087

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:1 - Specific to a machine/printer
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary: Debugging Errors
Created By:HePeng
Assigned To:ianmacarthur
Fix Version:1.3-current
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 HePeng
18:12 May 22, 2014
#2 HePeng
23:29 May 23, 2014
FLTK Bug Reporting.docx
#3 greg.ercolano
05:19 May 24, 2014

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 HePeng
18:12 May 22, 2014
The Fltk sometimes can not pass  release debugging with visual studio 2010.
 I found that the results were different vary from the same studio,and it occures almost always,but luckily I got it passed only on my notebook PC.

Wished  callbacks soon.

I am glad to provide Bug.txt in English if you need .
#2 greg.ercolano
16:37 May 23, 2014
Which version of FLTK? If you're not using svn current, please
try that first, as the problem may already be fixed.
#3 greg.ercolano
16:45 May 23, 2014
I see from the bug report form you're using the 1.3.2 release.

Please try instead SVN current, as there's been many changes
since the 1.3.2 to support VS.

If you don't have access to SVN, you can take a weekly snapshot
by going to the fltk.org -> Download, scroll to the red "Development Use"
section, and take the tar file from there, and build that.

If error messages persist, then yes, please include the error log
in English, as I can't read it, and I don't think the other devs can
read it either.
#4 greg.ercolano
05:19 May 24, 2014
Thanks HePeng.

I converted your Microsoft docx file to a plain .txt file,
attached as "FLTK_Bug_Reporting.txt", as some of the developers
might not have Microsoft Word available.
#5 greg.ercolano
06:10 May 24, 2014
Your build output looks like a rebuild of fltk-1.3.2, and not
     fltk-1.3.x-r10157. Can you double check you built the correct
     version of FLTK?

     The "FLTK Bug Reporting.docx" file seems to contain
     messages that say "G:\fltk-1.3.2", e.g.

1>  png.c
1>G:\fltk-1.3.2\FL\math.h(22): fatal error C1083: Cannot open ...

     But I'd expect to see "G:\fltk-1.3.x-r10157"

     Also, this does not appear to be a "clean build", as I'm not
     seeing the usual 3 pages of messages from VS initializing the
     new project that I'd expect to see with a clean build from the
     tar.gz file.

     Let's make sure you're building with the proper steps.
     Once you've downloaded and extracted the tar.gz file:

    1) In VS 2010, choose File -> Open -> Project Solution, and open:


    2) Go into "Solution Explorer", Right Click on:
       "Solution 'fltk' (79 projects)"
       ..and choose "Build Solution".

    If that still doesn't build, please include the complete
    english output of that build here as a .txt file (not a .docx),
    which you can make by pasting the output into Wordpad
    if you then choose "Save As" -> "Save as type: Text Document"

FWIW I did download the same .tar.gz file, and it built the
entire FLTK library in debug mode using the above steps OK.
(Though it did crap out building two of the test programs..
not sure why. But the library and most of the test programs compiled OK)
#6 greg.ercolano
06:19 May 24, 2014
Side note: the two test programs that didn't build on my VS2010 test
build were due to this VS issue:
..so nothing to do with FLTK. I fixed that problem, and then FLTK
built completely with no errors on VS 2010.
#7 HePeng
02:40 May 28, 2014
After serveral times unistalling and installing ,we finally find the "bug ".

"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props"

delete the libray path to  : <LibraryPath>$(LibraryPath)</LibraryPath>
        and include path to :<IncludePath>$(IncludePath)</IncludePath>

One of my classmates help me install fltk ,and he added both library path and include path to my vs.And when I changed FLTK version ,"bug" happened.

My teacher and I am devoted to popularizing FLTK-using in China, and we plan to write a book about how to use it for fresh learner like me.
We may use your handbook and somthing  you provide online .I know it is granted ,but my teacher requested to confirm. .

Thanks for your next E-Mail.
#8 ianmacarthur
03:29 Sep 05, 2014
The materials and documentation we provide are covered by the fltk license; so long as you comply with that license, give due credit, etc., then you are free to use those materials in your book.

Also; id=s this STR "fixed" and we can close it?
#9 ianmacarthur
14:47 Sep 09, 2014
The OP reports that build issues are resolved.  

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