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STR #3160

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STR #3160

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Fl_Cairo_Window constructors
Created By:markjolesen
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.4.0 (SVN: v12993)
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#1 markjolesen
15:54 Nov 23, 2014
Fl_Cairo_Window does not use same constructors as Fl_Double_Window

         Fl_Double_Window (int W, int H, const char *l=0)
         Creates a new Fl_Double_Window widget using the given position, size, and label (title) string.
         Fl_Double_Window (int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0)
         See Fl_Double_Window::Fl_Double_Window(int w, int h, const char *label = 0)

class FL_EXPORT Fl_Cairo_Window : public Fl_Double_Window {

  Fl_Cairo_Window(int w, int h) : Fl_Double_Window(w,h),draw_cb_(0) {}

This causes minor problems when creating a class that inherits from Fl_Cairo_Window (forced to use default title - null).
I suppose placement can be done with a resize after it is instantiated?

I see. This is obviously an omission, but nobody cared so far. We could
probably add one or more constructors to match Fl_Double_Window's
c'tors. Could you please file an STR so this doesn't get forgotten?
Please set priority to 1 (RFE). Thank you. - Albrecht
#2 AlbrechtS
10:32 Feb 13, 2016
Moved from 1.3-feature to 1.4-feature.

FLTK 1.3 is closed for new features. This will be addressed in FLTK 1.4.
#3 AlbrechtS
02:09 Jul 27, 2018
Fixed in Subversion repository.

The missing c'tors will be available in FLTK 1.4.0.

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