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STR #3184

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STR #3184

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Color Coding Comments In FLUID Callbacks
Created By:MikeW
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.3.4 (SVN: v10671)
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#1 MikeW
14:42 Feb 02, 2015
When lines of code in a Fluid Callback are commented out using /* and */, the affected code turns green - nice. Works fairly well. Except that the */ doesn't turn green. It stays black.

If the /* is put into the code first, all of the code below it in the callback turns green. It would be better if it stayed black until the */ was added.

When the */ is added, the code below it should turn back to black. It doesn't on my system. It stays green. Have to close the widget and re-open it to get the code to turn back to black.

I realize that these are very minor issues. My productivity isn't really affected by this behavior. But I use the Fluid callbacks quite a bit. It's starting to annoy me.

I'm working with Windows 7 and Fltk 1.3.1. Has this issue been fixed in more recent versions of FLUID?

#2 matt
07:18 Apr 02, 2015
As for the first part, the '*/' stays black, I can't replicate that. Please give me a detailed example.

As for the second part, the syntax highlighting works by interpreting (in a very simple way) the current text, as it would be compiled right now. Entering a '/*' will in fact create a comment that reaches to then end of the file or the next '*/', whichever comes first. I find the behavior of the preview correct, but I'll be happy to hear suggestions.

The last issue, that you have to reopen the panel to see the change, I also cannot replicate on OS X.
#3 MikeW
12:33 Apr 02, 2015
I'm working with Fluid 1.3.3 in Windows 7.1 on an HP workstation with an NVidia K2000 video card. Is it possible to post images to this forum? I could post a few captures from a Fluid session showing what I'm talking about.  Just tried it again. I commented out a block of code in a Fluid callback using /* and */. The commented out lines of code turned green - fine. But when I removed the /* and */, those lines remained green. The only way to turn those lines black again is to close the widget and reopen it.  Thanks.  
#4 matt
22:01 Apr 02, 2015
No, you can only add links. Or you can send me the images directly: fltk@matthiasm.com  
#5 engelsman
23:59 Apr 02, 2015
You could follow the link to the STR page and then click on the "Post File" option, no?  
#6 matt
04:18 Apr 04, 2015
Should be fixed in SVN 11252. Please verify before I close this.  
#7 MikeW
12:13 Apr 04, 2015
I am on vacation next week. Will be about 2 weeks before I can try out your fix. Thanks.  
#8 AlbrechtS
03:48 Feb 07, 2016
FTR: The fix was in svn r 10671 (not 11252).

Can we close this STR? Still waiting for your (Mike's) feedback.
#9 AlbrechtS
15:21 Nov 09, 2016
This STR has not been updated by the submitter for two or more weeks and has been closed as required by the FLTK Configuration Management Plan. If the issue still requires resolution, please re-submit a new STR.  

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