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STR #3195

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STR #3195

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:add Doxygen support for CMake
Created By:mjsurette
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.4 (SVN: v10720)
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#1 mjsurette
02:28 Feb 23, 2015

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 mjsurette
13:28 Feb 22, 2015
The CMake build does not support building documentation.
This patch adds this capability.
#2 AlbrechtS
02:18 Feb 23, 2015
Forgot to post the patch? I don't see one.  
#3 AlbrechtS
12:09 Apr 13, 2015
I'm working on this now. Your patch worked pretty well, I only adjusted a missing version number in the generated Doxyfile.

Thanks for the patch.

I added pdf documentation as well, and I'm simplifying it to work with configure/Makefile and with CMake. So far I can create and install html and pdf docs. :-)

I'm not yet happy with the options and some other details. This is work in progress though. I'll let you know when I'm done with it.
#4 AlbrechtS
14:59 Apr 25, 2015
I committed the initial patch plus my own modifications to add pdf docs in svn r 10720.

Todo? I'm not 100% happy with the way the special documantation options are handled and that targets are added depending on which software was found or not, but the way it is now is a possible solution.

Generation of docs, particularly the pdf docs, is a time consuming task. Therefore I made it optional, i.e. not included in the default 'all' target. I created three targets:

 - html: generate html docs
 - pdf:  generate pdf docs
 - docs: both html + pdf

This is similar to what we have now with configure + make, but the targets are only created if special build options are ON and if the software (doxygen + latex) is found. In the old version targets existed always, but would fail if for instance doxygen was not found.

I don't know the one and best solution.

I'd like to find a way that 'make install' would run the pdf and html generation if requested, but I didn't find a way to define a dependency in an 'install' command.

Dependencies of target 'pdf' and 'html' are not clear at all. I defined a dependency on 'fltk' (i.e. the lib) for two reasons:

 (1) if any source file changes, then the docs might need to be built
 (2) to delay doc generation at least after the lib is built

The latter was meant to affect build order when 'html' and 'pdf' were still included in 'all', but now that they must be run manually this is maybe not necessary anymore.

Related: the man pages are not yet built nor are they installed.

Tests and comments welcome...
#5 mjsurette
16:49 Apr 25, 2015
The man pages are being installed. 

The final lines of install.cmake copy the source man files to the proper section.  The man system automatically runs troff/groff whenever you call up a man page, so no preprocessing is required.  I presume this is done so the same man page is properly formatted for different output devices.
#6 AlbrechtS
03:22 Apr 26, 2015
Thanks for the correction, I must have missed that somehow.  
#7 AlbrechtS
06:55 May 09, 2015
Fixed in Subversion repository.  

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