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STR #3248

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STR #3248

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Fl_Text_Editor Selection starts at wrong position after paste
Created By:FlyingJester
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.4.0
Fix Commit:4b4e95f2805375ac80b5921e19c1049090f3a5c8
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#1 FlyingJester
12:46 Aug 13, 2015
Do the following:
 1. Select some text in an Fl_Text_Editor
 2. Copy that text
 3. Without changing your selection, paste over the text
 4. Hold shift and attempt to select new text starting at the current cursor

It clearly appears that the cursor is at the end of the pasted text, but the selection begins from the start of the pasted text.

The selection should begin from where the cursor is, at the end of where the text was pasted.
#2 AlbrechtS
17:45 Sep 01, 2016
I can't confirm this - neither with svn current nor with fltk 1.3.3 and some older versions - unless I'm doing something wrong.

I did the following:

 1. Selected text in an Fl_Text_Editor (using test/editor)
 2. pressed CTRL/C
 3. pressed CTRL/V (pasting the _same_ text over the selection)
    Note: Cursor moved to end of previously selected text
 4. Held shift and moved cursor right (or left) with cursor keys

I observed that the new selection started at the cursor position as expected.

Did I misunderstand anything or is the issue fixed meanwhile?

If not fixed: please use current svn or a snapshot from the download page, post the exact version that shows the error, and add a more complete/exact description of your test scenario.
#3 FlyingJester
18:19 Sep 01, 2016
I'm not sure if I just wrote it down wrong or things changed, but using the current svn:

1. Select some text
2. Control + C, then Control + V to paste over (cursor moves to the end
3. Press shift, then click somewhere inside the area you just pasted. You will have the wrong section of what you pasted selected. For instance:

  This is some text.

Copy and paste 'some' over itself (the | is the cursor after wards):

  This is some| text

Hold shift and click in between the 'o' and 'm' in some, and you will have the 's' and 'o' selected instead of the 'm' and 'e'.
#4 AlbrechtS
03:31 Sep 02, 2016
Confirmed with 1.3.3 and current svn.

The difference was that I used the keyboard to "attempt to select new text" (4.) whereas you used the mouse.

So my tests showed that the keyboard action works as expected, but clicking somewhere with the mouse while holding the Shift key extends the selection from the wrong (unexpected) starting point.
#5 matt
14:58 Feb 04, 2019
Fixed in Git repository.  

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