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STR #99

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STR #99

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Fl_Menu_::add(..) missing docs for 'shortcut' argument
Created By:greg.ercolano
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1-current
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#1 greg.ercolano
18:03 Jun 27, 2003
1) In fltk/documentation/Fl_Menu_.html#Fl_Menu_.add
   it reads:

    int Fl_Menu_::add(const char* label, const char* shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0)

    The 'shortcut' argument should have some elaboration,

'shortcut' can be NULL for no shortcut, or a text string
in one of two forms:

    [^+#]<ascii_value>     eg. "97", "^97", "+97", "#97"
    [^+#]<ascii_char>      eg. "a", "^a", "+a", "#a"

..where <ascii_value> is a decimal value representing an ascii character (eg. 97 is the ascii for 'a'), and the
optional prefixes enhance the value that follows, as:

    ^  - Control
    +  - Shift
    #  - Alt

(Note: you cannot combine prefixes, i.e. "^+a" does /not/
result in CONTROL-SHIFT-A)

    Or at least, that's what the code in fl_old_shortcut()
    appears to do, which is very useful. In fact:

2) fl_old_shortcut() should be documented.

3) There should be documentation for the overloaded
   version of add() where 'shortcut' can be an integer
   value instead of a const char*, and the docs should
   refer to the FL_ALT+'A' techniques.
#2 matt
22:36 Jul 17, 2003
Documentation updated in CVS.


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